Are you ready to open your heart to God's love? Are you ready to discover and heal what is keeping you from fully trusting God? Are you ready to have a life filled with joy, happiness, good health, harmony and abundance?

If yes, this course is for you!


Welcome to this class on the 5 steps to healing your relationship with God. Congratulations on getting yourself here. If your journey has been anything like Sue’s or John’s, you have already done a lot of inner work, just to realize you want to connect with God and that you could use some help.

We have come to realize that feeling disconnected from God is the single biggest challenge we all face as we go through this human experience. As God has told us, God hardwired us with “The pain of separation” as a homing beacon to keep nudging us back to God.

It is this pain of separation that drives us to seek fame, fortune, companionship, wealth, possesions, adventures, sexual experiences and basically everything we as humans are driven to experience, achieve or acquire. All of these that were just mentioned are ways we seek outside of ourselves for what can only be found by going within.

Only by going within can we find our way back to God and satisfy this pain of separation. This is what “Waking up to God’s Love” is all about and this class is all about helping you on your journey to discover what is keeping you from making that connection with God and feeling God’s love.

What we have discovered, during our journey back to God is that we had issues and beliefs that were keeping us from making that connection we so desperately wanted. We kept hitting roadblocks and kept asking God for help clearing them. God gave us the BIBO Breathwork technique as a process to heal our issues by giving them over to God to transmute into love.

We began using BIBO to clear negative emotions that were affecting us in our daily lives and we asked God for help applying BIBO in healing our relationships with each other and friends and family. God’s answer to those prayers led to the 10 steps to healing relationships and parental issues classes. However, we were still experiencing challenges connecting to God and maintaining that connection.

God told us that we had beliefs that were interfering with our connection to God. God said these beliefs came from experiences or programming either during a past life or at some point earlier in this life. God shared that most likely these beliefs were formed during childhood. This is why doing inner child work is so beneficial to our growth as individuals.

We asked God to help us clear these negative beliefs that were keeping us from fully connecting with God and being able to create a partnership with God. God responded by instructing us to create this class, using the 5 steps to true healing and BIBO breathwork techniques to address and heal the beliefs and issues that were interfering with our progress.

God showed us how to discover the deeply buried beliefs and issues that were causing the problems using a series of over 40 questions that are designed to gently bring the beliefs and issues into our awareness. When we used these questions we uncovered several beliefs and issues we were totally unaware of.

Once we became aware of the beliefs and issues we could begin the actual healing process. This is where the questionnaire is absolutely priceless. By truthfully answering all the questions on the questionnaire you can discover the beliefs and issues that have been operating subconsciously in your life, keeping you from truly connecting with God.

God is now and has always been right with us waiting for us to open our hearts to allow God’s love in. Once you have opened your heart to allow God’s love in it becomes easy to connect with God, create your partnership with God and invite God to be your guide through life. With God as your guide you will be able to create a life filled with love, joy, happiness, unity, peace, harmony, good health and abundance.


We strongly recommend and encourage that you learn and practice the BIBO BREATHWORK technique that is described and demonstrated in the BIBO BREATHWORK section of our FREE website Please watch all 4 animated videos that thoroughly describe the technique and all the videos of Sue and John demonstrating the techniques. It is important that you be familiar with BIBO BREATHWORK as it is instrumental in the 5 step healing process.

This course includes:
  • 3 hours plus on-demand videos

  • Full lifetime access

  • Access on mobile and TV


